Coaching Dialogue
What is Coaching Dialogue about ?
Not specifically
Run Through
A. Prepare a list of questions (you can use those which are listed below or you can modify them. If you would like to add new questions you should remember that they should be phrased as open-ended queries. It can be helpful to think about the first word: open-ended questions often begin with “what,” “how,” “who,” “where,” and “when.” Stay away from “why” – it can feel confrontational and judgmental. To get at the same thing, instead ask, “What was your intention with that?”
Questions to questionnaire:
1. What is your aim?
2. Imagine that you have achieved your aim. Look at your life now. What does it look like? What has achieving the aim brought you?
3. How close to that image are you now? Place it on scale from 1 to 10 where 1 means very, very far and 10 means very, very close.
4. What are the obstacles to achieving the aim in your surroundings at the moment?
5. List 5 concrete actions which can positively change your surroundings.
6. Choose the one action from above which, in your opinion, gives you the best possibility to change your surroundings. Imagine that you realize it. Describe the implementation process step by step. Remember that this image should be very precisely. Imagine places, people, situations, exact sentences you say, and actions you take. Try to remember this vision.
7. What are the concrete actions you should take to achieve your aim?
8. Divide those planned actions into phases. Don't put too much effort into the implementation of each phase, but at the same time you should be engaged.
9. Create a system of bonuses and gratuities to use after finishing each phase.
10. Who will you ask to be your watchman?
11. Name 5 the most characteristic habits for you, actions you take unconsciously every day.
12. Tie to each of those habits a new action, not too big, which doing every day unconsciously would bring you closer to your aim.
13. What kind of successes (that you've already achieved) have brought you closer your aim?
14. Which of your qualities and abilities helped you to achieve those successes?
15. How can you use them permanently to achieve your aim?
16. What kind of values are the most important for you?
17. How you can use those values during achieving your aim?
18. Are you surrounded by people from whom you can take an example during achieving your aim? If yes, please indicate them.
19. Plan how you will use their potential to achieve your aim.
20. Are you surrounded by people with whom you can collaborate to achieve your aim? If yes, please indicate them.
21. Name 5 common actions you can propose to them.
22. Plan your first free day after achieving your aim.
Leave empty space after each question for note taking.
Print as many copies as many you need: one questionnaire per person.
Material for
Paper, printer, pencils.

Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union. Find more information about the program and its goals here:
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