Disney Method
What is Disney Method about ?
In the daily practice of Walt Disneys work with his creative team, it turned out that three different perspectives play a key role in creative processes: The dreamer, the realist and the critic. Disney had the ability to keep all three well balanced and recognize each aspect to be important and valuable for the quality of the creative product, in his case animation films.
If one aspect is missing, creativity cannot come to life:
"A dreamer without a realist cannot turn ideas into tangible expressions...A realist without a dreamer and a critic however is merely a robot. A critic without a dreamer and a realist is just a spoiler or a killer. We could even say that a dreamer and a realist while they might make good prototypes and could be a good research and development group does not enough critical thinking to really finalize the ideas into a perfection of expression. A realist and a critic without a dreamer maybe makes a good bureaucracy but not much else. And of course a dreamer and a critic is simply going to be a rollercoaster ride of manic depression. The point is that creativity itself is a synthesis of all three phases of processes." (Robert B. Dilts: Strategies of a Genius Vol. 1)
Disney provided different rooms that were dedicated to each of the three phases in order to give space to each of the aspects:
In subsequent turns, the developing team visited the different rooms and refined the ideas as long as they were satisified with the grade of perfection.
We found this method extremely valuable not only to give the possibility to totally immerse into one of those three qualities, but also to productively host the different preferences of team members: Idea givers will be happy there is a place for their fresh thoughts. Builders will have their time. Spoilers can relax, confident their pessimistic view will have their space. Instead of fighting against each other those aspects can build upon each other.
We played with this idea of Disney rooms and tried out different forms and variations. This is one possibility, feel free to adapt it to your specific target group and purpose.
Make sure to have 3 different rooms. The quick way is just to define the spaces with the purpose for each phase and hang up signs at the doors: dream room, realist room and a critic room.
The way to do it with love and care is to furnish and equip the rooms according to their purpose.
Just to give you some inspiration, Walt disney had pictures and inspirational drawings all over the wall of the dream room. Everything was chaotic and colorful in this room. The realists rooms were the normal workspaces with daily prototyping equipment, and the critics room was called "sweatbox".
Play with your own creativity to create an appropriate atmosphere and supportive surrounding, using equipment and decoration that fits to your team and purpose.
No matter how you decorate your rooms: Make sure you set a clear intention to each of the rooms. You can do that by a mere clear dedication or by spending some time in the room remembering moments in which you perceived yourself as a powerful dreamer, realist, critic and anchor the positive emotions related to those phases to the rooms. You can also do it by using those rooms as often as possible with that very purpose - if you have the possibility to permanently use the same rooms, try to stick to that purpose and add to this specific quality. Each lively dream enhances the dream quality of the dream room etc.
Is participant experience relevant for Disney Method ?
3-4 rooms, preferrably different ones than the everyday meeting rooms.
Material for
Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union. Find more information about the program and its goals here: https://erasmus-plus.ec.europa.eu/.
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