Money Game
What is Money Game about ?
The object of the money exercise (or game*) is to create an experiential field for people to observe themselves and gain consciousness, primarily in regard to their relationship to money but also in a wider sense. This goal is made explicit to the participants at the outset and, if necessary, repeated during the game.
The observation is in respect of:
- My behaviour in the game
- The recurring habits I discover while playing
- My thoughts and feelings during the game
- My energy levels in the course of each transaction
*Definition of Game: “Where what is not real is more important than what is” (Robert Hargrove, Masterful Coaching). In the context of this definition, one might say that where the money is restored to its original amount at the end this is a game, but where it is not restored - as in the Findhorn Money Game - this is not a game, but real.
Is participant experience relevant for Money Game ?
The game is played on a table. There is nothing on the table but money. Each participant has a notepad and a pen ready in hand.
In the case of large groups (more than 15 people) where it is not possible to play on a table, here are some suggestions:
- The game takes place on the floor, whereby each person chooses a point in the room to place his pile of money and identifies this by placing a personal object by the side of it.
- The rounds take place as described but the person moves around the room now taking from and giving to the other peoples’ piles. As several transactions may be done one after the other it may be necessary to make a rule that participants need to return regularly to their pile and deposit the money there, not simply walk around with money in their hands while they are not transacting.
- The note-taking is best done just once, at the end of the three rounds.
Run Through
Have in mind:
The facilitator is the guarantor of the framework, which defines the duration of the game and its rules (for example: whether participants are allowed to physically hold on to the money in their piles or not, create a fresh pile representing “community money” or not, whether the original amounts brought by each participant are to be reinstated or not - other things that may arise during the game itself).
Each participant is previously asked to bring a significant sum of money that it would be an "edge" for them to lose
Introduction & Sharing about the sums
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Round 4
Round 5 (optional)
Each person has the possibility to share their experience of the game. Of most interest are insights that the person has gained as a result of the experience. Of secondmost interest is the sharing of the experience itself, the thoughts, feelings, observation about energy levels and behaviour that the person may have noticed. Of least interest are accounts of the actual actions that occurred, though immediately after the game there is usually a need for people to share at least some of these. Should it seem that the recounting of actions is going on too long (the group’s ability to listen to these is limited), ask for a sharing on the experience of the feelings while the actions were taking place. Follow that with asking whether the person can derive any insights from what was experienced?
After the first sharing round is complete a second may take place in which each person has the opportunity to receive feedback from the others on how it was to transact money with them, or with their lack of movement should this be what occurred - while the game was taking place.
Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union. Find more information about the program and its goals here:
Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
Creative Commons license:
CC-BY-SA You are free to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format, even for commercial purposes with mention of the source: Transformation Hosts International, www. If you remix, adapt, or build upon the material, you must license the modified material under identical terms.