Community of Practice
Community of Practice
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
What is
Community of Practice
about ?
What isCommunity of Practiceabout ?
… the Transformation Hosts International (THI) is a community of practice for Transformative Learning and for hosting the socio-ecological transition. THI articulates this new paradigm of learning, develops and implements new tools for addressing this paradigm, and brings together the practitioners who have the power and skills to host this transformation. We do not have a legal body – yet.
… the Transformation Hosts International (THI) is a community of practice for Transformative Learning and for hosting the socio-ecological transition. THI articulates this new paradigm of learning, develops and implements new tools for addressing this paradigm, and brings together the practitioners who have the power and skills to host this transformation. We do not have a legal body – yet.
Not so technically…
… just imagine a bunch of facilitators, hosts, teachers and coaches. They spend enough meaningful time together, that this community changes their work, their practice. Hence by definition they are one: A community of practice.
… just imagine a bunch of facilitators, hosts, teachers and coaches. They spend enough meaningful time together, that this community changes their work, their practice. Hence by definition they are one: A community of practice.
As they are all experienced communicators conflicts seldom arise and are solved quickly. Not everybody knows everybody but knowing each other very often leads to dear and long lasting friendships. As it is an international community of practice they travel a lot to keep the connections strong and healthy, but certainly video conferencing is important, too. They are passionate about their work and the world, so they come up with project ideas that enable
them to do what they are best at: Hosting Transformation. They choose with whom and where they want to work and what the topic is – and they can make a living out of this. They write funding proposals together, win and lose together, and celebrate a lot. They share their findings and wisdom with the world and get lots of gratitude back.
them to do what they are best at: Hosting Transformation. They choose with whom and where they want to work and what the topic is – and they can make a living out of this. They write funding proposals together, win and lose together, and celebrate a lot. They share their findings and wisdom with the world and get lots of gratitude back.
Sounds good, right? Well, this is where the Transformation Hosts International are already, so let’s push the limits a bit further.
Imagine you are part of it, too. Imagine a community of practice that supports each other independent from current project funding. Questions on facilitation and hosting are quickly answered in the lovingly moderated forum. Among hands on help or a couch to sleep on this is also the place to find staff or work. An alternative currency enables full engagement, also across financially very different countries. We help each other with a website or the creation of learning materials and pay from our earnings a train the trainer workshop or a coffee in our local eco-village.
This on its own is a new kind of ecosystem. But where the Transformation Hosts really push limits is in our work. We regularly discuss what the world needs and how we can adopt our offers with external experts. Many members are Universities and they orchestrate the master's theseses and PhDs on transformative learning. Our relentless search for better and more powerful solutions in the field of facilitation gives the Transformation Hosts quite a reputation. The aim is to host the desperately needed transformation as good and fast as possible and that is also acknowledged by quite a few politicians, foundations and donors.
This in return enables the community to take on pro bono work from wherever it is most needed in the world.
But Donations are only one of 3 financial pillars the community is standing on. The common website now hosts among several Erasmus+ project-pages also project representations of Horizon Europe and other funding schemes.
And the partner organisations publish their offers for the general public on this common site. Whoever is interested in transformative learning or the hosting of the eco-social transition can find all relevant offers in a well structured calendar and map. This visibility has been a game changer for many partners and the provisions of every sold offer are a big help for the work of the community.
We see each other often; in one of the local salons or in our online pub “Zoomorrow in another day”. But the annual highlight is the Transformation Festival that tours around the world. And every 4 years it is hosted “at home” in the (still to be founded) Transformation Village. We very much hope to welcome you to the next festival, too.
The manifesto is just developing. See in this Google Doc how it develops and feel free to write along.
See here how this manifest manifests itself or - in other words - what our community of practice is practicing already. If you miss an activity you would like to see in the frame of this cop - just do it and we will gladly ad it to this list.
Alchemy for Impact - Theory and Practice talks on facilitation secrets
The Talks are an ideal way to get to know the community. Each time there will be a short impulse on a specific topic either coming from theory....
"There is nothing more practical than a good theory." (Kurt Lewin)
Possible topics: What does science have to contribute to Hosting Transformation or Transformative Learning? Which models are particularly helpful? What scenarios from future research need our attention?
... or from practice
"In theory there is no difference between theory and practice, in practice there is." (Yogi Berra)
Possible impulses: What tips and tricks help me in my everyday teaching? How can I/my organization become more effective? Let's be honest, what really moves us in everyday life?
There is time for exchange of experience, questions and mutual support in the area of the focus topic. How the one-hour online format works in detail depends on the number of participants, but you will have opportunities to contribute and go home inspired.

Supervision Circle
We have had good experience with supervision in groups of 4 to 6 transformation hosts. Key to the ongoing effectiveness of these success teams are regular meetings and a clear desire to learn, even if this is not always pleasant. The groups find and organize themselves. A good start, however, is one of our quarterly supervision circle meetings where we sharpen your expectations for this format and give you some tips on how to get the most out of these meetings.

Erasmus+ Synchronisation
The Erasmus+ program is a great help in our work. Every year different partners come together to form diverse Strategic Partnerships. As we all want to make the socio-ecological transformation more likely and joyful, it makes sense to synchronize our activities. If you are writing a proposal or would like to partner on a project come by. Let's pull together on many strands in one direction.

Art Share
Many of us see ourselves as social sculptors in the sense of Joseph Beuys' expanded concept of art. With our activities, we help shape society. Our goal, in addition to and with the strengthening of the three pillars of sustainability (ecology, economy and social), is also to make the world more beautiful. The art-sharing circle is about the aesthetics of our work. We show what we have done and give feedback. Art is created in the eye of the beholder. What is the last chicken droppings for one is a great work for another. This is a safe space to learn how others perceive your art and what strengths you can build on. If you are ready to show something of your work, come by.

THI CoP development
We meet once a month to further develop the Transformation Hosts International Community of Practice framework. How can we best give wings to the movement? What does our business model look like in a globally very diverse economy? What are the challenges we should face next? If these questions excite you, come and join us.

Toolkit Sprint
One of the centerpieces of our work is collecting methods. You can see some of them in the toolbox, but many are still in the process of being created.
The Toolkit sprints are two- to three-day online working meetings where we check in in the morning and evening, give feedback, and enjoy seeing others share their experiences with the world as well. Feel free to post your favorite method here. We will help you describe it in a catchy way and make sure that it is found by search engines. And we can also use help with proofreading. Come by the next Sprint and see how we can work together.

Transformation Festivals
One of the highlights of our community was the annual Transformation Festival. At the latest in 2023 another one should finally take place. If you would like to host please get in touch. We will help!

Transformation Festival 2016 Berlin
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10th Anniversary of the Hosting Transformation Community
Co-initiated by us in 2012, the Transformation Hosts International network supports change agents and transformative educational institutions with collegial exchange, conferences, research projects, visibility and practical tips. In addition to theory and practice talks and Erasmus+ synchroniz...
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