Sensing Journeys
What is Sensing Journeys about ?
A deep-dive sensing journey requires engaging in three types of listening:
1. Listening to others: to what the people you meet are offering to you.
2. Listening to yourself: to what you feel emerging from within.
3. Listening to the emerging whole: to what emerges from the collective and community settings that you have connected with.
Go to the places of "most potential" (the places that provide you with new perspectives). Meet your interviewees in their context: in their workplace or where they live, not in a hotel or conference room. When you meet people in their own context you learn a lot by simply observing what is going on. Take whatever you observe as a starting point to improvise questions that allow you to learn more about the real-life context of your interviewee.
Observe, observe, observe: Suspend your voices of judgment and connect with your sense of appreciation and wonder. Without the capacity to suspend judgment, all efforts to conduct an effective inquiry process will be in vain. Suspending your voices of judgment means shutting down the habit of judging and opening up a new space of exploration, inquiry, and wonder.
To allow participants to break through patterns of seeing and listening by stepping into a different relevant perspective and experience. Sensing Journeys can also help build relationships with key stakeholders and gain a system perspective.
• Increased awareness of the different aspects of a system and their relationships
• Enhanced awareness of the different perspectives of the stakeholders and participants in the system
• Connections between stakeholders and participants
• Ideas for prototypes
Is participant experience relevant for Sensing Journeys ?
Audience description for Sensing Journeys
The group splits up into sub-teams of about 5 participants. The group composition matters because a mix of perspectives enhances the impact of the sensing journeys. Define places of high potential for the sensing journeys. The whole group of participants should go to several places that can provide insights into:
• the different perspectives of the system’s key stakeholders
• the different aspects of that system
• the ‘voiceless’: people in the system, those who usually are not heard or seen.
A good way to get a sense of the system is to take the perspective of its “extreme users”: customers who use services or products more than others or in different ways, or on a societal level, those with special requirements, such as a person living in a remote area needing access to a health system. The "extreme users" have a crucial role in an innovation process, since they point out things that could be improved. They have psychological strain and therefore are often highly motivated to find better solutions.
Not specifically
Run Through
Coordinate date and share the purpose and intent of the visit with the host at site.
On site
Close the loop
Pictures/videos can be useful during reviews with the other groups and as a reminder for the participants.
Other materials may be collected as well, after seeking permission from the facilitator.
Material for
If the facilitators agree, it is advised to take pictures and/or videos during the journey. A pen and journal are required for taking notes during and after the journey.
Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union. Find more information about the program and its goals here:
Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
Creative Commons license:
CC-BY-SA You are free to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format, even for commercial purposes with mention of the source: Transformation Hosts International, www. If you remix, adapt, or build upon the material, you must license the modified material under identical terms.